Let’s begin The Journey
Birth Support Package
I will be on maternity leave from April-August 2025 - I am happy to provide suggestions of other doulas who will be available to support births during this time.
Providing physical, emotional and informational support to you and your family throughout pregnancy, labor and birth and into motherhood.
Complementary Pre-booking Consultation
Answer your questions and get to know each other
Outline doula services
Ongoing remote support
Support and questions answered via texting, phone and email from the time of hire through the postpartum period
Free Access to my lending library of books
Pregnancy Visit 1
Answer questions you may have about pregnancy/birth
Help you start your birth plan
Discuss your labor preparation
Pregnancy Visit 2
Finalize birth plan
Discuss and practice comfort measures and labor/birth positions
Review communicating your wishes to medical providers
Help you start a postpartum plan
Labor and Birth
I will be on call from 37 weeks and if applicable, have a back-up doula on call
When labor begins, you can request support at home or at your delivery location
I will help you utilize preferred comfort measures such as massage, counter-pressure, movement, hot/cold therapy ect.
If needed, I can run quick errands
As circumstances allow, I will maintain a confidential birth log of labor and birth events
I can offer some guidance with initial breastfeeding
I will remain with you until 1-2 hours after baby is born, or until you feel situated
In-home Postpartum visit
Process birth experience
Breastfeeding Support
Light house-work
Discuss baby care and refer to other professionals if needed
Additional Postpartum support is available at an hourly rate (daytime - $25/hour, Night-time $35/hour)
Birth Photography Add-on $250
minimum 40 images (typical is around 100) of your labor and birth and with baby
Due to the private nature of birth photos, sample portfolio is available only upon request. Please text (281-250-1881) or email me (crystal.summerhays@gmail.com) if you would like to see the portfolio.
If you would like just photography without doula services, please contact me for pricing.
Birth Video Add-on $250
edited video showing labor and birth, typically 2-5 minutes
Due to the private nature of birth, sample portfolio of videos is available only upon request. Please text (281-250-1881) or email me (crystal.summerhays@gmail.com) if you would like to see the portfolio.
Bundle all three special (Doula, Birth Photos and Video): $1300

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.”
– Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh